Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 5:30 PM - 7:45 PM
Each Spring and Fall we endeavor to host one night of ministry equipping for our whole church family. This spring, we will be looking at how we can be a church that is ready to minister to and include families and children with special needs. Joe Vivian will join us as a special guest to help us begin to think about what we need to do to foster a culture of ministry readiness to families with special needs. Joe is associate pastor of children and families at Easter Hills Baptist Church in Albuquerque. He and his wife, Kerry lead a marriage ministry together, and Joe has been deeply involved in Special Olympics of New Mexico for many years in various different roles.
Our equipping night begins with a FREE dinner at 5:30 (please register for headcount purposes). Then at 6:30 we will transition to equipping and conversation with Joe.